Photo of Donkey at Latham Centers Adult Group Home

Asinotherapy 和 LathamWorks Vocational Opportunities

博天堂官方的居民们期待着参加各种各样的冒险活动,其中包括按摩疗法, 或“驴疗法”.“另外, our students' robust Vocational Program, LathamWorks, 为博天堂官方入口社区的家人和朋友提供职业培训技能和手工制作的产品.


博天堂官方入口采用这种非正统的动物疗法的历史始于2008年. 珍妮丝福斯特, 著名的神经精神病学家和普瑞德-威利综合征(PWS)治疗专家, 拜访了博天堂官方入口,并鼓励博天堂官方入口考虑为博天堂官方入口的住院医生开发一种脊椎按摩疗法. The program has grown, 和 now six donkeys call Latham Centers home!

博天堂官方的驴治疗项目中,学生和成年人首先学会了如何赢得驴的信任. 这意味着要温柔, 可靠的, 和 letting the donkeys know that our individuals are there to help them.

从哪里开始: 在德国, 一个为迷你驴提供护理的治疗项目在帮助有发育障碍的人学习重要技能方面非常成功, including relationship-building 和 vocational training.

One of our adult residents hangs out with two of our six donkeys.

辅助治疗 on Cape Cod


Happiness at Bill's Barn

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Program Goals, Activities, 和 Success

博天堂官方入口的目标是让博天堂官方入口的成年住院医师培训和指导博天堂官方入口学校的学生进行脊椎疗法项目. As trained adults take younger students under their wings, they will benefit from the interaction, helping them to become more compassionate 和 helpful to the younger person, 和 as individuals dealing with their disorder for a longer period of time, they can share their experiences living as an adult with PWS. 年轻的学生, 另一方面, who generally do not interact with adults with the syndrome, will learn new life skills as they approach adulthood.

博天堂官方入口的脊椎疗法项目的首要目标是帮助每个人朝着实现他或她的目标取得进展. 博天堂官方入口已经取得了巨大的成功,代表以前受过培训的个人,并期待未来在博天堂官方取得更大的成就.

Adult Resident Walking Donkeys in out Asinotherapy program

Where it started: Working with Six Mini Donkeys

In 2009, 博天堂官方入口在东桑威奇(East S和wich)买了一栋住宅,房子的场地被批准可以饲养牲畜. This opened the door for us to consider developing our Asinotherapy Program. 驴子以其善良的天性、渴望被关注和耐心而闻名. This program provides many opportunities for learning, 培养, 和 building trust 和 self-esteem while teaching empathy, 责任, 和 appropriate boundaries.

博天堂官方入口的驯驴师在肌肉疗法项目中与许多员工和患有普拉德-威利综合征的人一起工作. Individuals are trained to care for 和 nurture our six resident donkeys— Angus, 月光, 杰克, 卷曲的, 以斯帖, 以扫.



在美国,博天堂官方入口更熟悉的是将马作为治疗工具的Hippotherapy. 博天堂官方的学生和居民在社区中从事治疗性骑马活动有着悠久的历史. 博天堂官方入口见证了让博天堂官方入口的项目参与者与动物建立关系带来的许多好处.

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Additional Training Features

  • Donkey 101 – what is a donkey, 它们来自哪里, what work do they do in the “real” world, life-span 和 health issues, 和气质
  • Safety in the paddock 和 around the donkeys
  • 驴和围场护理


Our staff at Latham School help prepare students for life after graduation. This involves coaching each student on job skills. These skills may include but are not limited to craft making, 园艺, 木工, 还有肥皂制作, 还有动物护理.

Job readiness skills also include cash register abilities, 分类装配, 以及办公室助理.


29 - PWS month 23 -matthew_Laura_Chris
Students learning about 园艺 in the classroom.
Student holding his 园艺 project


In the 园艺 program, students grow plants from seed, 根粉, or purchase young ornamental plants to raise. 也, through Latham Centers’ relationships with local businesses, the students receive donated cut flowers, which they arrange 和 deliver around the Latham campus. 准备和种植植物和花卉是一种艺术形式,可以让学生探索他们的创造力. 此外, students are stimulated by the colors, 香气, 和 textures of the flowers, while others are calmed through this sensory activity.

Students work in our Vocational Room making wooden bird houses


After purchasing pre-assembled wood items such as benches, 货架上, 还有存储单元, students (under staff supervision) s和, 油漆, 和 finish constructing each item in the 博天堂官方入口工作 木工 program. 该项目在鼓励学生创造力的同时,还介绍了工具安全和团队合作, critical thinking 和 fine motor skills. 另外, 打磨和绘画是非常治疗类型的感官工作,因为学生光滑粗糙的表面.

Student preparing soap for All Natural Goats Milk Soap

Soapmaking: Naturals of Cape Cod

Soap making involves mixing the all-natural, 免, 羊奶皂液, 倒入模具中, 由学生选出, 干燥后将其从模具中提取出来,然后包装每个肥皂出售. Learning patience while experiencing creativity, 肥皂制作在节日期间越来越受欢迎,员工和有社区意识的企业会购买各种各样的肥皂作为礼物.



博天堂官方入口学院的学生准备制作装饰品,强调他们的创造力. 无论是用拼字游戏拼出最喜欢的短语的装饰品,还是装满节日糖果的灯泡, 在博天堂官方一年一度的冬季工艺品销售会上,博天堂官方入口公司的假日装饰品总是大受欢迎.

Students work in our Vocational Room weaving mats


Students take long lengths of rope 和 weave them into intricate patterns; creating placemats, 地垫和杯垫. 使用模板开始,学生提高精细运动技能,同时从事创意设计. 这些项目涉及耐心和掌握,是最新的职业工程项目之一.

Student putting up flag on flag pole


清洁, 邮件分类, 和 clerical work are new, 并且经常在博天堂官方入口工程项目中获得有偿的职业机会,这可以增加提高社交和精细运动技能的机会. 在校外, 学生们在奥尔良保龄球中心等具有社区意识的企业学习文书工作和其他工作技能, 和 Rogers 和 Gray Insurance.

Student volunteering in the community by watering plants


博天堂官方以使命为中心的志愿者项目允许学生在各种地方提供他们的技能,从动物护理设施到当地教堂和老年人护理设施. 博天堂官方入口的居民不断地在布鲁斯特妇女图书馆等地点回馈社区, 住房援助公司和当地教会,包括第一教区布鲁斯特一神论普世教会.

另外, 博天堂官方入口学院的学生以在布鲁斯特动物救援联盟等动物护理机构做志愿者而自豪, 翡翠空心农场, MSPCA动物收容所, Centerville New Engl和 Society for Ab和oned Animals 和 Cape Wildlife Center. Animal care allows students to learn life skills, giving them an advant年龄 in the workforce, while simultaneously reaping therapeutic benefits.

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To support our 博天堂官方入口工作 Program:

博天堂官方入口工作培训师全年都接受肥皂、木工和工艺品的订单. For more information about the students’ creations 和 to submit a special order, please contact our Assistant Principal, 梅根·Pouliot, at



At Latham School, children from 8 years to young adults of 22 years are under the care of a special needs teacher 和 aide. In small home room classes of eight or fewer students. 阅读更多….


Safe Pass年龄 to Adulthood

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You can Make a Difference

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